Our practice focuses on the treatment of AUTO INJURIES, HERNIATED & BULGING DISCS of the Neck and Low Back. These conditions can result in Chronic Low Back & Neck Pain, Sciatica, Numbness & Tingling and Headaches. It is very important after an auto injury to be evaluated for spinal misalignment and dysfunction, muscle damage and ligament damage. If not treated properly and on a timely basis, you may be left with a lifetime of pain and disability.
Dr. Lach
Our practice focuses on the treatment of AUTO INJURIES, HERNIATED & BULGING DISCS of the Neck and Low Back. These conditions can result in Chronic Low Back & Neck Pain, Sciatica, Numbness & Tingling and Headaches. It is very important after an auto injury to be evaluated for spinal misalignment and dysfunction, muscle damage and ligament damage. If not treated properly and on a timely basis, you may be left with a lifetime of pain and disability.